
River Crossing

Page history last edited by Dave Roper 14 years, 6 months ago


4000pts of the Guards Armoured Division attempt to force their way across a river defened by 2000pts of Germans.




The British lay down smoke. The smaller British force on the flank blunder and stay put but in the middle a command bonus gets the main force down the table!The Germans reposition some forces.


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The turn opens with a registered stonk by a nebelworther battery which damages a Sherman, the Germans suffer a command blunder which force some of their units into the open and one Panther is destoryed by op. fire. Another Panther and a Sherman KO each other in exchange of fire across the river. However another Sherman manages to be hit five time and make all five saves, the Germans threaten to go home! The British FAO and FAC both target the same area and manage to kill some German infantry.


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The remaning Panthers being to target the Guards half-tracks forcing many dismounts and some casualties.


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Two German infantry sections race out of the factory and ignoring the fire from the armoured cars manage to KO them both with panzerfausts!


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An unlucky German HQ unit is hit by both air and artillery support KOing them! A German command blunder sends a Panther across the river blocking access to the bridge.


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The guardsmen assualt the Panther blocking the bridge KOing it and clearing the way for an advance!


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The Germans survive a break test. The British manage to build another bridge across the river, meanwhile a British mortar section storms into combat with the German recee unit destorying it with the support of some pioneers and a carrier! The advancing shermans in the middle concentrate on clearing the factory with the support of air and artillery but lose a section of infantry in the process.




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The Germans passThe rest of the British pour across the river, while for no clear reason building a third bridge! The Germans are down to one stand of infantry and two HQs! They do however manage to shoot down the typhoon!


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The Germans finally fail their break test and its a major win for the British!



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