
1938 A Very British Civil War

Page history last edited by Dave Roper 14 years, 8 months ago







Hull Dockside Militia.pdf


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The Hull Dockside Militia – 1938


The workers of the Hull and Humber docks, merchant navy, fishing fleets and industrial areas have banded together to fight the rise of the Fascists. They have been joined by a small but growing number of Royal Navy deserters. Several veteran fighters from the Spanish civil war have returned home to join the cause!


Taking advantage of their access to the sea and therefore international socialist support they have recently received their first shipment of supplies from their Soviet comrades, consisting mainly of uniforms and weapons, but also a military advisor and a small section of international socialist “volunteers” along with Olga a T-26 tank!


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Late Night Visitors


A Day on The RIver


The Rescue of Commissar Green


Fight for the transport hub!

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