[b]River Crossing, 1967[/b]
The Egyptian army tries to force its way across a river.
The IDF are deployed to defend this settlement:
In the centre the heavy T-10 tanks of the Egyptian army head towards the visible bridge under cover of smoke, they are slow moving and do not get that far.
A PT-76 reece tank is spotted in the river and shot to bits by an M-48:
However over on the left flank, something amazing is happening, a mixed force of armor escorting a bridge laying tank, manages to reach the river and deploy its bridge, and for added cheek, puts some of its forces over the river!
A double one would allow the T-55s to do some shooting and for the rest of the force to get over the river:
The T-55s promptly nail an M-48! That was after 110cm of movement! Good work by the CO!
In the centre the IDF manage to spot a truck loaded with infantry and blow it pieces, while three Arab tanks combine to kill one M-48m there is a lot of shooting but it proves to be mostly ineffective
As the Arab smoke screen clears the IDF seem to find their shooting boots and things start to swing against the Arabs, the a bombing run by their plane takes out a truck full of infantry, a lone M-48 takes out another truck full of infantry and a T-38, and their mortars suddenly find their range and nail another truck and three stands of infantry!
The Arab T-10s blunder and withdraw. While on the left flank the combined armor of T-55s and T-34s nail three M-48s.
The left hook of the Arab advance is beginning to get into the IDF rear, a PT-76 and a T-55 combine to take out one of the Israeli mortar teams, while an M-48 catches a T-34 in the open.
The rampaging PT-76 manages to claim another victim by turning its cannon into the rear of an M-48! In the centre the T-10s advance across the bridge they take heavy fire from the last of the M-48s, but return fire it’s one a piece!
Suddenly an AMBUSH team of IDF troops attacks the T-10 column they do heavy damage to the T-10s without actually killing any, the return fire wipes a recoilless rifle jeep! The Israeli plane reappears and bombs the area, the blue on blue fire manages not to kill any of their own but destroys a T-10, the Arab mortars finally manage to do something and KO one of the ambushing sections.
In a surprise move, the IDF fail their break test and flee into the night!
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